Newsletters - Epoch Sales Management

Issue 7: How Do You Pick the Right Salespeople?

Written by Admin | Jul 21, 2020 8:31:36 PM

Issue 7, July 21, 2020

How do you pick the right salespeople?

One of the two biggest challenges for small B2B Business owners is Getting the Right Salesperson in the Right Role!!! This week, we provide information to help you improve your salesperson selection process.

  • We start off with an article that I share with you on my recommended best practices.
  • Second, we share an article from the HubSpot blog on hiring salespeople.
  • Next, John D’Annunzio provides what works best for him in his experience as a Sales Manager.
  • Our last article comes from a fellow trusted advisor, Steve Goodner, and his recommended hiring practices.

You will see a theme throughout that focuses on identifying the right role, defining what you are looking for, understanding the job fit and making sure that your candidate fits the job, the company and the culture that you are looking for.

Our Recommended Reading this week is “Hire Right, Higher Profits” where Lee Salz shares his best practices. Lee views hiring of salespeople as a revenue investment.

We hope that you will find a few golden nuggets here to help you place the Right Salesperson in the Right Role in your company!

As always, we welcome your feedback. Feel free to simply reply to this email.  I look forward to your input.

In determining the right people, the good-to-great companies placed greater weight on character attributes than on specific educational background, practical skills, specialized knowledge, or work experience.

Jim Collins

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Hiring Salespeople

from HubSpot 

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How Do You Pick the Right Salespeople?

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