Newsletters - Epoch Sales Management

Issue 3: Make Heroes, or Be the Hero?

Written by Admin | Jun 23, 2020 11:18:20 PM

Issue 3, June 23, 2020

Make heroes, or be the hero?


“Make Heroes or be the Hero” is the theme of our third of three newsletters on “Get Leadership and Culture Right!”

Our goal remains to help you make your sales team better and this week we start with reviewing Liz Wiseman’s principles in her revised book on “Multipliers.”  As a leader, are you a diminisher or a multiplier? We add an article from the web on creating heroes as a leader versus being a hero yourself.

I share a conversation with a friend who reminds us that another version of this theme is to make our customer the hero, not ourselves, to win more business.

Lastly, Steve Freeman joins us to share his perspective on things to consider as businesses open back up.

Next week, we move on to “Get the Strategy Right.” Enjoy this week’s articles as we seek to make our sales teams better.

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Coach K

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