Twice a month, we share ideas, insights and resources to help you, the small B2B Business Owner, make your sales team better. The newsletter is more extensive than a single blog post so we can discuss a topic in more detail.
In addition to my personal insights to help you accelerate your sales team’s growth, we might include an interview with one of your peers or an article by one of them as well as something we found special on the web related to that specific issue.
As a special extra, we sometimes include an article from a fellow trusted adviser who works with small B2B Business Owners. This article may be about our newsletter’s Sales Management theme or some other topic of interest to you and your peers.
This newsletter is a way for us to communicate that is a little more private, as opposed to comments on a blog post. The newsletter comes from my email address, giving you a quick way to reply with any questions, comments, or thoughts.
You will have a front-row seat as new projects are started. Occasionally, I will host webinars just for you, the newsletter subscribers. I promise to never share your information to others, but will certainly share information and resources to you that I hope you will find helpful and interesting.
Remember, this newsletter is focused on you, the small B2B Business owner or sales manager, to help you make your sales team better.
As always, we welcome your feedback as we strive to build a valuable piece of communication for you. We deliver it straight to your inbox so you can see the theme of the newsletter and decide for yourself if you want to read it now, later or never. Members of this community will always have access to this information on our website. Please feel free to email me or call me on my cell at 214-470-5599 to share your thoughts.
All the best,
David Wuensch